Findings & Resources

Since 2007, Count Me In Too has published a wide range of reports, analyses and summaries about various aspects of LGBT life in Brighton and Hove. We have collected these publications together in our library so that you can download and use them.

You can browse the library by type of publication, or by themes/areas of interest.

Our publications are organised into different categories and are free to download. We do ask that, if you use any of this information (for example in your own work) that you ask permission to do so by emailing Dr Kath Browne (



The following documents provide information on Count Me In Too’s research methods – how we did the research.


findings reports

There are four types of findings reports for you to look at:

1) initial findings reports

These reports present general key findings from the project.

2) additional findings reports

These thematic reports go into great additional detail with regard to key issues for LGBT people in Brighton, as identified by the project’s community partners.

3) requested reports

In addition to the themed analyses above, Count Me In Too were also asked by several community groups and agencies to to compile shorter reports. These include data from Count Me In Too’s research and references to other relevant research in the field.

4) community summaries

Finally, the project produced a series of short 2-page summaries of its findings, aimed at easy distribution across Brighton & Hove’s LGBT communities. You can also download a complete Community Summary pack – CMIT_Community_Summary_Resource_Pack_Nov09

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